We created a page on our website to help you if you are looking to pay your Alabama state or federal taxes or just want to check on a refund status.
You can just come to this blog post or go to the Pay My Taxes tab at the top of each page.
IRS Direct Pay with Bank Account
You can pay individual or business tax balances due, estimated taxes, extension payments, and other federal taxes with your bank account. No login is required.
IRS Direct Pay with Debit or Credit Card
You can pay individual or business tax balances due, estimated taxes, extension payments, and other federal taxes with a debit card, credit card, or digital wallet. There are dollar amount limitations and fees can apply. No login is required.
My Alabama Taxes
You can pay Alabama taxes, estimates, and extensions using a bank account. No login is required. Click on Make a Payment in the Payments section.
IRS Where’s My Refund
Alabama Where’s My Refund
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