August 2, 2012 | Birmingham, Alabama

JMF representatives Bryan Chandler, managing shareholder, Janet Moore, shareholder and Stacie Kirkland, manager attended a luncheon at The Club in Birmingham hosted by the alliant group. The event was held to give insight to business leaders about legislative developments that are impacting businesses in the state of Alabama and government tax incentives that will help businesses become more profitable.
For the past two years JMF has been working with the alliant group to identify R&D (research and development) credits for qualifying clients. For more information on the alliant group, go to

 L to R: Former Governor Bob Riley, Bryan Chandler, Janet Moore, Dean Zerbe-former tax counsel, senate tax committee, Stacie Kirkland, Kevin Corley-senior management director with the alliant group and Rick Lazio-former New York congressman.From left to right: Former Governor Bob Riley, Bryan Chandler, Janet Moore, Dean Zerbe, Stacie Kirkland, Kevin Corley and Rick Lazio.