Made in Alabama products topped $20.6 billion – that’s TWENTY BILLION with a B – in 2016. That represents a 6.4% increase over 2015 numbers, per the US Department of Commerce. The previous high water mark was $19.6B back in 2012.
Made in Alabama
Alabama exports have risen 48% in the last ten years according to the government figures.
The Alabama automobile sector once again led the way with $7.9B in exports, representing a 13% increase. Aerospace products posted the most significant percentage gain at 65% increase over 2015, which totaled $1.4B in total dollars.
Paper products (RELATED: see the JMF Timber practice) also posted a significant increase up 29% over 2015 to the tune of $1B in exports.
“Alabama’s dynamic manufacturing base turns out a wide range of great products that consumers in markets around the world want to own, which creates jobs and opportunity here at home,” noted Greg Canfield, secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce in a press release on the Alabama Commerce department’s website.
“Setting a new record for exports last year shows that ‘Made in Alabama’ is not a slogan but a fundamental economic pillar supporting economic growth in our state,” he added.
The top three destinations for Alabama goods were:
- Canada $4.1B, up 1%
- China $3.4B, up 8.5%
- Germany $3.2B, up 29%
Those three countries alone account for half of all Alabama exports. In total, Alabama goods are sold in 189 countries across the globe. If you are interested in exporting your products, please contact the JMF International Practice Group, as they may be able to help you.
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